If I weren’t aware of riding thru CA and 70% of SA before getting here I would think BA was on a different continent…..nothing, I mean NOTHING here resembles anything else I've seen in SA.

Extremely clean, highlife cosmopotitan, western only faces, expensive, English speakers, not a trace of indigenous culture or latin america feel, its like a hybrid of east coast US cities and cosmo europe Paris/ Barcelona type. Everything id heard about the city prior to coming is ringing true...and yes... the women here are drop dead gorgeous 98% percent of the time causing serious rubbernecking everytime i go outside.. the distraction is too dangerous riding bike so i hired a taxi to show me the city.

Extravagant monuments, European architecture mixed with modern hustle bustle glass, huge tree-lined avenues, atmospheric neighborhoods and attitudes that match...Lots of pride and what could be percieved as arrogance to go along with the seemlingly all encompassing lifestyle of all-day-cafe sitting, matte sipping, see and be seen.

had the driver drop off in soho.. a hippie/yuppie mix haight & ashbury like area... joined in the gazing cafe sit.... swapping out the matte for beer

1 comment:
I'm sure the chicas were rubbernecking when they saw you, as well. ;) - E
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