last few days rode from BA to Puerto Madryn...... variety of space...majority of which is vast and desolate
while the landscape is nice when stopped...... its quite snoring (this time literally) when riding....once out of sun flower fields, nothing to look at but some short wheat grass... or short tumble type brush.....
did see a field spreading on fire which provided 5 miles of different look.
on day two as the sun taking its western position....... glaring in on helmet visor tiring my eyes……i started doing my routine wake up call…smacking helmet…adjusting seat position….pulling out hairs on my leg anything to oppen eyes…..then it happened….I feel asleep….only for a milla-second more like a lights on-lights off switch….quick system shut down enough to freak me out and then instantly alert like a soldier……
Later came into the wind which this area is famous for and my guess is, it will stay more or less til the bottom….. …constant lean occasionally coming up to a wind blocking semi for a short upright again break….at least it keeps you on your toes in the flatland.....definately dont want ot doze off again
how strong is the wind? strong enough to blow simons bike over on the side of the road when he parked it perpendicular(learning lesson- dont do) and a semi past adding gust
first thru the romanctic 'pampas' where the landscape was the nicest and has an era about it that breeds might be the endless fields of sunflowers or the roadside cafes cooking meat on open fires... checker table clothed old wooden tables where people sip wine morning noon and night.
or the countless number of roadside picnics also using checkered tablecloth and sipping wine next to their straight-from-paris WWII-1940's looking Citroens vanawagons with aged metal character.... looks of a vw bug front and high covered box rear
also added is pulling into tiny 5oo population towns for gas and having humble supermodel looking attendants pump your gas or sophia lauren's 25 yr old twins handing your change back at the toll booths..... im finding myself falling in love here about every hour if im outside... wanting to grab hands and motion/say jump on back... lets ride off to the horizon forever (why doesnt life work that way? i suppose not speaking spanish is one reason)
then again maybe im just horned up from BA?
Later came into the wind which this area is famous for and my guess is, it will stay more or less til the bottom….. …constant lean occasionally coming up to a wind blocking semi for a short upright again break….at least it keeps you on your toes in the flatland.....definately dont want ot doze off again
on day three after crossing into the northern part of patagonia region the wind picked up even more and couldnt make up its mind which direction to blow.... so navigating was strange to say the least. at one point i passed a semi and instead of the normal blockage alongside....this time as i was next to it a freak wind gust sent me off into the grass on side of the road....quite a spook...i think i'll hold off on passing semis in multi directional wind from now on
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