Its there between the mattresses. Half hour later they called back, found it, serious relief. Now how am I going to get it…dreading the idea of having to backtrack ride especially with the weather calling for more rain and a two day excursion , I searched out for other options. First thought was to get a courier service from Popayan to deliver the passport/ title down to pasto. There was one but not insured, I didn’t like the idea of my passport being in someone else hand…they can fetch up to $1000 in colombia a huge amount for a courier driver. Next suggestion was put it on a bus coming down,,,no way.
Finally thought rent a car and drive up and back in the same day to get it, ya that’s good……sorry no car rental services in pasto. Ok taxi. Found one and was starting to feel more relief. It wasn’t cheap but I didn’t care. Simon said he would ride up with me. Thank you.
driver showed up in a newer-ish car, very kind, about 60 years old…perfect.
We headed out about 10am. 10 minutes out of the city and into the mountains I was in panic mode and stayed that way the whole time though it was interesting to get a different perspective from being on a bike. Ive seen how insanely people drive since mexico but adapted and hardened to it awhile ago. Actually being in a car with one of these drivers is something I don’t ever want to do again. Teeth clenched and fists tightened to seat and door the whole time. It was the scarest 11 hour roller coaster I have ever been on. Coming inches from semis, cars, buses on every occupied corner….wrong side of road half the trip acting like Mario andretti with a death wish. and every time we would have a one second miss from rolling off a mountain or smashing head on into an oncoming truck he laughed at the panic in my face. Got to Popayan, got the passport…. breathing again, got back to Pasto. Did see the area from a different view and stopped to do a long zip line across a giant valley on the way back....

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