try to keep the negative stuff off the blog but one harsh reality that gets me most is the amount of street kids everywhere. No mom, no dad living on the street to fend for themselves…. these societies just accept it…. not really, most locals shoo them off like rats…its painstaking to watch time and time again. you want to go up and crack em upside the head…what the fuck is wrong with someone that would a shooo a 4 yr old off like a pest!
since entering mexico and thru every country so far….. ive seen from as young 3 4,5 yr olds dirty, shoeless working streets begging, or selling chicklet pieces of gum and the like for a penny or 2 to survive the day and sleep on the streets near ??? Because the concrete is warmer from the plumbing. unlike many other unfortunate things that now sadly don’t even phase me this one always will.
Ok some others not so sadly like the insane driving and directions. if you ask a person literally standing in front of a bank, where a bank is they will tell you its quatro cadres y de la recha y dos mas calles de la racha…always finishing with todo delarecha todo! which if you listen to you will end up at shoestore.

There are tons more annoyances, most are easy to harden up to, accept and deal plus i dont want to dwell on negative. but Kids on the street is impossible to ignore(if its not for anyone that reads this please get off this blog and don’t come back). Whats gonna happen to them, where are they gonna go. You can see in their eyes they turn 40 before reaching puberty and are probably unlikely to reach the age of 18. If they do with no education and a street only life you can guess their adulthood will be crime. Most governments dont help at all because some people have used “orphanges” just to get the money for themselves. So its private orphanages or left on the street curb. In Cartagena, Colombia there were thousands of kids living in the street doing whatever to survive including pick-pocket etc.…once tourism started picking up in the last few years they just disappeared….where?….all of them!
Ok enough rambling about it, there is an opportunity to at least DO a little something. (next post)
Ok enough rambling about it, there is an opportunity to at least DO a little something. (next post)

quite a few crashes on the ride but luckily no deaths. this truck rolled swerving from a blown tire just in front me. a few more feet and it would have been over the bridge

1 comment:
Not one person commented on this entry?? Well, same kinda thing when I worked with the orphanage in Africa.....hardly anyone wanted to help once I got back home. I hope your friends were able to help with whatever cause you will announce in your upcoming blogs I have not read yet. I want to help, just to let you know.
Ok, Mike, I know you wanted to keep it a happy blog, but I was actually waiting for this entry. I kept thinking, "but what about all he is seeing around him?! It is heart-wrenching. How can he NOT comment on it???" He has to. If he doesn't, no one will know. Those that have witnessed it (like ourselves) are the only way others might get a first-hand glimpse of just how lucky they are in life. One is changed forever when witnessing this type suffering. I know it first-hand. I still think about what travesty I've seen even years ago. A LOT. :( I am actually glad to see you were affected by it, as it shows your heart is right.
Ok, this was long. You don't have to approve this post and make it visible to anyone, but just wanted to share that with you.
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