Monday, November 10, 2008


Was in quito for a few days, modern city about 3million population. Noticeable difference about all the cities in latin america are that the population really means 'in the city'. Unlike the states where its 3million city including surrounding suburbs etc. here the cities are much more crowded with the same population as such they feel bigger.
Even in the capital city the prices in Ecuador are the lowest of trip so far. Hung out mostly in one are of town that reminded me of uptown, Minneapolis. Found finn mccools, great irish bar and seemingly spent most of my time there.

lots of travellers in quito, mostly europas and aussies, few from the states which was nice to talk regular speed/ slang with. First since the two guys I rode with in belize. Met a rider there from Canada also on a ktm, jeff, there are three of us for the time being.

tree just outside of hotel....looked like a giant pineapple


Anonymous said...

Yo Michael :

John Hanna'z my bike doing it for ya..? Glad to see you've made good time and distance and that for the most part you've been safely making your way. I've spread your BLOG to many back up here in Des Moines, and around the area - so they are charting your progress as I am.
Be Well - Be Safe - I'm anxious to read the next installment and the next new set of adventures.
You are the Salt of the Earth - Stay Salty.!!
Blessings all over you today -
John Robert Hanna

Mike Haley said...

hey john, much more than a bike now its like a house, wife, baby and best friend, love it...perfect for this trip and amazing what it can do day in day out.... love it, will keep for the rest of my life. roidden with all marks on this trip and hands down....ktm!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday, Mike! Hopefully, you'll find a new bottle of a local drink to replace the broken one. :) Celebrate!
Take care,