Why everyone looking at me like an alien? attention is kind of flattering but it gets old quick when everyone doubletakes then rambles something to whoever they are with or points with a smile and nudges a friend telling them to look…..the last few days I have been in central peru way off the beaten track.

off road and gravel riding up and across the mountains stopping in tiny towns where I am pretty sure Im the only gringo they have seen in person or one of just a few in their lives. What clearly stands out the most is my heigth…If there was a pick-up bball game I would dominate… crushing every attempted shot back into their starring little heads! I am a giant up here!

People look with friendly faces most of the time, occasional “aloe hi are u” picked up from tv. they have Tvs up here? Yep, satellite at the one village restaurant always blasting at full volume. pure truth…latin america does not like silence… ever. Music, tv, horns,… whatever noise its always cranked up.
back to village freak for a day…

(maybe its because i park the bike inside)
it’s a strange feeling when people spot you out as different, stare, point, giggle, whatever…at the beginning of the day its ok, by the end….enough and turn that shite down.

riding is incredible but in altitude this high the bike doesn’t have its usually power. Some of the road conditions have definatley pushing my skill level on big bike….good practice for Bolivia where they say the roads are sand horse shite.

simon goes down...
Highest point reached just under 15,000 ft. getting off the bike to take a picture is like running a marathon.