The last two days have been more of those 'ride of a lifetime' experiences as I rode thru the pages of November, 1985 Vol.12 National Geographic magazine!! Unbelievable landscape, up and down steep but short pointy mountains the first day and then on to larger mountains, in and out of local towns/ trading posts that are 100 years behind the times.
It was fantastic!!! If you ride motorcycle you are well aware of how the rear tire generally wears a patch right down the center from riding upright and straight most of the time,….not here. I was on the sides the entire time twisting up, down, around and thru the mountains..45, 90, and 180, 270 degrees all day long on perfect single lane blacktop roads.
Every now and then there would be a town, more like a trading post right in the middle of the road that was jam packed with food and clothes and whatever else they are selling and swarms of people, dogs, cows, donkeys, children, turkeys, roosters….etc. its fun riding thru them with the looks you receive. I cant help but think they must look at me like and alien, all geared up in my motorcycle spaceship outfit riding this giant machine (by their standards……. my bike is bigger than most of the cars, not to mention the bikes they ride which are more like mopeds). I am already at least a foot taller than everyone and the bike itself is taller than most of the women. On it, i feel like a semi driver does looking down at cars. A lot of times I stand up on the pegs thru towns to stretch, which makes me taller than most of the buildings too. The look on peoples faces is priceless.
I am riding now with a group of people. 4 bikes, one from france, one from mex city, and one from Cancun.
They are all very nice and it’s fun riding with them. The language barrier is there a bit which adds to the adventure. Two of them are going all the way to Ushuaia and the couple from france have been riding all over the world.
Yesterday we rode thru Guatemala city and like all the cities here I would have preferred to skip it but it was necessity to get to Antigua,(Bermuda, come on pretty momma to key largo…..) every time I say the name I sing the bb song in my head?
It was fantastic!!! If you ride motorcycle you are well aware of how the rear tire generally wears a patch right down the center from riding upright and straight most of the time,….not here. I was on the sides the entire time twisting up, down, around and thru the mountains..45, 90, and 180, 270 degrees all day long on perfect single lane blacktop roads.
Every now and then there would be a town, more like a trading post right in the middle of the road that was jam packed with food and clothes and whatever else they are selling and swarms of people, dogs, cows, donkeys, children, turkeys, roosters….etc. its fun riding thru them with the looks you receive. I cant help but think they must look at me like and alien, all geared up in my motorcycle spaceship outfit riding this giant machine (by their standards……. my bike is bigger than most of the cars, not to mention the bikes they ride which are more like mopeds). I am already at least a foot taller than everyone and the bike itself is taller than most of the women. On it, i feel like a semi driver does looking down at cars. A lot of times I stand up on the pegs thru towns to stretch, which makes me taller than most of the buildings too. The look on peoples faces is priceless.
I am riding now with a group of people. 4 bikes, one from france, one from mex city, and one from Cancun.
They are all very nice and it’s fun riding with them. The language barrier is there a bit which adds to the adventure. Two of them are going all the way to Ushuaia and the couple from france have been riding all over the world.
Yesterday we rode thru Guatemala city and like all the cities here I would have preferred to skip it but it was necessity to get to Antigua,(Bermuda, come on pretty momma to key largo…..) every time I say the name I sing the bb song in my head?
you know youre a long way from home when farmers use the road to dry out their beans. one guy laid them out right in the middle for about 100ft and was raking them right on the road!
side to side
town slow down here and there

maybe some cows on the road