decided to do 5 day total off road excursion with the couple we met from germany from uyuni thru southern bolivia into chile.....adverse adventure
loaded up on supplies...gas... enough food for 5 days/ 5 people...mostly spaghetti bread water tuna cheese and chocolate...added about 20 lbs to each bike, a noticable difference
bought a sleeping mat and rode across the uyuni salf flats. camped on an island about midway
Riding was flat and simple…few paths cut out but could really go where ever you wanted… great felling of road freedom….mind the water holes.
Reminded me of what it must be like in Minnesota now with the frozen lakes and ice driving/ fishing….minus fish houses. there are a few cactus islands on the flats but able to find a rocky one to sleep the fisrt night...wind was wreched
Somebody drew the short end of the tent stick…or wishing they hadn’t left theirs in texas.
Tuna spaghetti dinner was cold … somebody also didn’t have a plate so had to wait til others finished.

Middle of night… open to elements sleeping was cold…farkin cold-10 at night….moon was full gleaming as closest annual day to earth. when it came up looked more like a sunrise...later it light up like day
day 2
thought if this kid is riding with a dog how bad can the paths be? not to first
Got out of flat salt and into dirt gravel rock and sand….riding got tougher as went along…sand worst part.
Passed a few ghost like towns and had lunch in one….saw a total of 2 people in the town….got some water to cook with there…on the way out I dropped bike twice in big rocks going slow to stopturns , feet down..nothing there…shite, down we go.

On to the first decent size town (tiny) able to find some gas…that came sold in a bucket… filled the tank and spare cans/ 2 liter bottles …….

noticed fork seal blown and oil coming out but not too fast……keep moving ,,,,terrain harder to more and more sand….several falls in the group but I managed to stay up( pure luck sand riding is a bitch and catching edges happens every 5 seconds) 
unfortunately bike overheats when I go slow sometimes having to stop and let it cool as gas spills out the overflow..not a fun feeling…hours later exhausted made camp in big open area surrounded by volcanoes
…..dan insisted he wanted to sleep under the stars so let me use his tent….welcomed difference from the wind which blasts in the afternoon til dark and sporadically thru the night….corn beef sandwiches for dinner and some rum…
Riding was flat and simple…few paths cut out but could really go where ever you wanted… great felling of road freedom….mind the water holes.
Reminded me of what it must be like in Minnesota now with the frozen lakes and ice driving/ fishing….minus fish houses. there are a few cactus islands on the flats but able to find a rocky one to sleep the fisrt night...wind was wreched
Somebody drew the short end of the tent stick…or wishing they hadn’t left theirs in texas.
Tuna spaghetti dinner was cold … somebody also didn’t have a plate so had to wait til others finished.
Middle of night… open to elements sleeping was cold…farkin cold-10 at night….moon was full gleaming as closest annual day to earth. when it came up looked more like a sunrise...later it light up like day
Woke up with the sun heat and scarfed down some bread and cheese…couple more pictures and on the way out of the salt.

Got out of flat salt and into dirt gravel rock and sand….riding got tougher as went along…sand worst part.
On to the first decent size town (tiny) able to find some gas…that came sold in a bucket… filled the tank and spare cans/ 2 liter bottles …….
nope.. osama not in these caves