Friday, December 19, 2008

day 4 &5 bolivia offroad expedition

day 3
Wake up to warm sun but not feeling it…
This is the last chance to hit a decent size gravel road and get out if want….I did want to…not all geared for camping….fork seals out, clutch whimsical….bike overheating….borrowning plates and tent and cups
Sand riding is challenging but not fun nor rewarding on a loaded up to around 850lb including me and hardly taking in any scenery as the only thing I am looking at is 20ft of ground in front of bike….my better judgement was saying f it and get into chile…but I didn’t. Ride….start on that decent gravel road going the opposite direction….easy…..then between mountains…on rock…big rock roads….like this with ktm because of suspension and power….you just hammer it and go trying to find the best path and not blow a tire as youre bumping over huge rocks….challenging and unlike sand rewarding because part of the success is based choice of path…plus it reminds me of offroad riding Ive done on dirt bike. Get into some sand before reaching first lake…..tiny really half salt half lake but beautiful surroundings and pink white flamingos living 11000+ feet up Lunch then ride on….to the hardest riding Ive done on any vehicle…..pure sand….thick deep and unforgiving…..slow with feet down weeble wobbling or faster hoping to ride straight and over without catching edge….both….then fast and I bit it pretty hard but not hurt…busted side case and lost sleeping pad to the 30mph wind…..frustrating vent. F^*%$# this…why not listen to myself and go when had the chance.. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Sand got even harder deeper more vast and flat out ridiculous…did not imagine this kind of riding on the trip…..absolutely want for a smaller lighter bike in this shit….beyond my skill on a 950cc bike.
Endless insane sand….ruts often worse than making own path because of 5 inch washboard…average speed around 13mph, overheating, gotta just go…sand forever,,,…. Squeezing tank with knees for better balance but too slow and deep to stand…arms and hands starting to jellify….get to little rock area aside sand and set up camp….picture perfect motorcycle camp site. camp animals
Sand unbelievable challenging….still not fun or rewarding but it does make the tuna spaghetti taste better. Cold, off to bed…not looking forward to tommorrow ride….don’t think anyone is….but they may be feeling reward. Did not see a single person or 4X4 all day.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Day 4 .....
what tommorrow brought was more misery!
paased thru a tourist camp with loads of llamasHardest day of them all.. Nothing but sand everywhere..tired…beat down..frustrated…passing thru some of the most amazing/ bizarre landscape but I cant appreciate it because this riding flat out sucks and my mood is horrible…nothing to do but keep going til dark stopping now and then to take photo and rest. smoking volcanoe Way into the mountains reaching the highest ive been on the bike at around 16,000ft. Volcanoes everywhere and eventually ride up on an erupted one with geysers and moon like surface…very cool, but still not appreciating…just want out….clutch goes out, have to fix fluid in 30mph wind….more sand after volcano and I crashed again..this time no one around…miraculously was able to pick the bike up alone probably extra strength out of pure anger…. Ride on hating it…road starts getting a tiny better into loose gravel as approach a few more flamingo lakes…finish ride going straight west into the sun completely blinded riding one handed against the wind on washboard sand with the mindset of I just don’t care anymore…..cannot see anything and going suedo fast…..suddenly as I am passing him, right next to me is dan…couldn’t see til right there…..after another 20 minutes…same thing….cant see a thing then didi and martina on side of road standing….jam brakes to a halt…we are camping onthe mountain here, 20 minutes til sun goes down. Found some ruin stone walls used for animals that block the wind so we set up….freezing cold…the temp everyday gets colder and colder as we’re going up to higher elevation….at night reaching 10 below. Eat some spagetti as fast as possible and get into tent.(share simons squeezed). Know that we will get out tomorrow so some relief….as simon put it when all standing around kettle “at least we’re not dead” who said animals dont communicate

day 1 and 2.. southern bolivia offroad expedition

decided to do 5 day total off road excursion with the couple we met from germany from uyuni thru southern bolivia into chile.....adverse adventure

loaded up on supplies...gas... enough food for 5 days/ 5 people...mostly spaghetti bread water tuna cheese and chocolate...added about 20 lbs to each bike, a noticable difference bought a sleeping mat and rode across the uyuni salf flats. camped on an island about midway
Riding was flat and simple…few paths cut out but could really go where ever you wanted… great felling of road freedom….mind the water holes.
Reminded me of what it must be like in Minnesota now with the frozen lakes and ice driving/ fishing….minus fish houses. there are a few cactus islands on the flats but able to find a rocky one to sleep the fisrt night...wind was wreched
Somebody drew the short end of the tent stick…or wishing they hadn’t left theirs in texas.
Tuna spaghetti dinner was cold … somebody also didn’t have a plate so had to wait til others finished.

Middle of night… open to elements sleeping was cold…farkin cold-10 at night….moon was full gleaming as closest annual day to earth. when it came up looked more like a sunrise...later it light up like dayday 2
Woke up with the sun heat and scarfed down some bread and cheese…couple more pictures and on the way out of the salt.

thought if this kid is riding with a dog how bad can the paths be? not to first
Got out of flat salt and into dirt gravel rock and sand….riding got tougher as went along…sand worst part. Passed a few ghost like towns and had lunch in one….saw a total of 2 people in the town….got some water to cook with there…on the way out I dropped bike twice in big rocks going slow to stopturns , feet down..nothing there…shite, down we go.
On to the first decent size town (tiny) able to find some gas…that came sold in a bucket… filled the tank and spare cans/ 2 liter bottles …….noticed fork seal blown and oil coming out but not too fast……keep moving ,,,,terrain harder to more and more sand….several falls in the group but I managed to stay up( pure luck sand riding is a bitch and catching edges happens every 5 seconds) unfortunately bike overheats when I go slow sometimes having to stop and let it cool as gas spills out the overflow..not a fun feeling…hours later exhausted made camp in big open area surrounded by volcanoes…..dan insisted he wanted to sleep under the stars so let me use his tent….welcomed difference from the wind which blasts in the afternoon til dark and sporadically thru the night….corn beef sandwiches for dinner and some rum…
nope.. osama not in these caves