hung out in cordoba for a couple days running around trying to find a sensor. no an email from my cousin, aaron, in phoenix. he went and got the part at his local ktm dealer and is shipping it down to buenos aires. thanks a million aaron!
i'll never get used to bikes being sold next to home appliances i took this pic to remind me of walking down this street yesterday and guy spotted me and out, ran up and started talking? pointing to his clothing store....then pointed to my pants seeing how dirty they are and trying to sell me some new ones...... too funny once i figured out with all hope it should be there on friday, customs pending.
at any rate it certainly eases the mind and feels great that he would take the initiative to help out....getting things done like this in south america as a little spanish speaking gringo is next to impossible and horribly frustrating. heading to BA tommorrow.
My guide book says Cordoba is the cultural epicenter of SA......i say its where women are beautiful and plastic surgeons are busy......if indeed culture is now measured by silicon...the book is on
not sure what i felt about this billboard but didnt stop me from another red meat dinner.... really is incredible how good argentine meat is...arteries are gonna be clogged by ushuaia
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