Tuesday, December 2, 2008

my grandmas would have loved this area

ride to cusco was great...up and over two mountain ranges thru high small farm areas on race track like roads, hardly any gravel.....wished id had the ducati and no luggage for the day so scenic in this river canyon (less the power lins) about fell off......constant balance of bliss riding and takin in area
farmland meant lot of people and animals sharing the road couple small towns and then cusco.... refreshing city has strong spanish look although the majority of buildings sit on inca foundation about 10 ft up...really cool. lively main plaza area and a travel biker bar with real hamburgers! Norton Rats, owned by jeff from ohio who did this trip 15 years ago....a must stop for anyone en route.....which i found out is about 100 per year. cusco is known as base point for macchu picchu and as such filled with merchants, stores and sidewalk sellers who wont quit the sale. hire them in the states as carsalesmen and the big 3 wouldnt have problems

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
I happened across Simon's blog, interesting to hear you both tell the same stories! Sounds like you tend to ride faster than Simon, especially in the dirt. Tell Simon "hi" too.

Keep rollin', keep postin', and stay safe.
