Only 25% of Bolivia’s roads are paved and they ended in potesi.

Rock…sit down, watch the for big ones…dodge sharp ones…shite hit one, two, three etc…hoping not to pop a tire…looking down, come up to creek 2 ft water…oh man hope no jagged rocks in there….keep watching the road….big dip great shocks.

stumbled on a place to eat just as the rain came
Clay…slip slide after light rain but smooth….like it.
Washboard gravel…..whats coming loose now….dadadadadadad for miles…stand up to stop head shaking…listen to clanky noises hoping nothing rattles off and thinking I need to tighten chain.
off in the horizon, nearing the flats could see a haze between land and sky
couldn’t help but to think of mad max and the thunderdome especially when finally came upon uyuni….could see forever..... one lonely road leading into town that you know by car dust trails…
then this sculpture one of the first things i see in town
Lets steel their gas and get out

Washboard gravel…..whats coming loose now….dadadadadadad for miles…stand up to stop head shaking…listen to clanky noises hoping nothing rattles off and thinking I need to tighten chain.

More videos if possible Mike!
will try if do more short ones....take forever to upload and patience wears thin....plan to load all when i get back to states with normal speed connection and computer
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