No wonder macchu poicchu is the #1 tourist sight in the world. Anciet city built on a hilltop amist magical sharp mountins is truly spectacular. I remember as a kid going skiing in Colorado and as we were driving thru the mountains my parents would always talk about how the pioneers crossed before roads, etc...... thinking like that when got to macchu picchu…..the incans were badass!

happy to see they had lunch that wasnt chicken and rice... come on airlines.

Before getting here my camera went on the blink and wouldn’t focus, zoom or close right. So in cuzco I took it to get repaired. They did and I was happy again, this camera takes good pictures and I didn’t want to have to buy a new one for twice the price and half the quality.
So i get to macchu picchu...after 12k miles and probably 2000+ pictures taken…pull out my camera for what is sure to be a blast of pics in the mecca of all tourist destinations and photo opportunities and……1st pic it breaks again. &^#%*#er!!! Its alright it didn’t totally breakdown just back to no zoom and only 1 setting with decent focus. make the best of it, walk around and snapping left and right. plenty of clouds as I got up there around 6am to avoid the masses (something likke 1000 visitors a day on average) and what happens…about 1hr and my battery goes dead! Bum rush the show...now what? Keep hiking, Plug in ipod…tune out…take in the surroundings.

as the clouds burnt off the swarms of tourists came in....i heard every language there is and saw way to many white socks and open toe sandals. Just as im starting to feel lonely watching watching all the couples pose for their macchu love pics….I met a couple birds on a stone, lindsay and jill from Australia, jills out that’s my sisters name…hello Lindsay.....started talking about altitude farts…they brought it up (after one slipped out, oops)…. identified, down to earth and after hiking 4 days straight on the inca trail to get to MP I don’t think much could phase them.. fun, hung out walking around ease dropping guided tours….did I mention the incans were badass. 
So i get to macchu picchu...after 12k miles and probably 2000+ pictures taken…pull out my camera for what is sure to be a blast of pics in the mecca of all tourist destinations and photo opportunities and……1st pic it breaks again. &^#%*#er!!! Its alright it didn’t totally breakdown just back to no zoom and only 1 setting with decent focus. make the best of it, walk around and snapping left and right. plenty of clouds as I got up there around 6am to avoid the masses (something likke 1000 visitors a day on average) and what happens…about 1hr and my battery goes dead! Bum rush the show...now what? Keep hiking, Plug in ipod…tune out…take in the surroundings.

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