Sunday, December 7, 2008

a new country

hello Bolivia! After garage day in puno finishing up the clutch.. went for beers with east coast girls traveling peru…in the morning took some pics with their wigs and the bikes…laugh every time at simons blond mullet. Rode alongside lake Titicaca to eventually cross the border and into copocabana. Titi-caca in Spanish translates big cat and rabbit…in English boob and poop……my little brain
It’s the highest navigable lake in the world (not really but close.) riding around it… cool and glistening. Flat highland here.. white peaks there. Feels good to approach and enter the next country but i wish i had my own camera..borrowing simons to take pics and getting some from dan as well...
stopped and talked to some local fishermen...commercial mostly trout. nets bigger than the boats.

Crossing the border was a breeze but the fee for americans is $130 since bush kicked bolivia out of free trade a month or so back. Without trade the countries economy will likely suffer even more than it already does… currently labeled the poorest country in south america.

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