Monday, September 22, 2008


spent the day buzzing aroundPuebla which is a beautiful city with a cool old downtown center from the 1600's. it has a european feel to it with the narrow streets and walking pedmals. drivrs here are just like everywhere else...nuts. ive found the only way to deal with it, is to embrace it a.....when in rome. for someone whose known to break a few rules its not that hard and actually becomes very fun. honking the horn, weaving in and out, going when and wherever i want to. a fun kind of mayhem. even more fun is getting the 'in a hurry in 1 mile and hour traffic' people in a tizzy. i was waiting at a stoplight and a guy was trying to get out from parking along side the road so he pulled out slow and tapped my side bag, lightly but still i was right there he looking right at me. so i gave him and fbomb but thru my helmet i am sure he didnt here. so the light turned green and i decided to stay there and take a few pics boxing him in and letting some other cars go....he was beeping his horn until he just held it down permanenelty at which time i pulled up enough for the car behind me to continue blocking him in and took off :) the other nice fun thing about driving here is that motorcycles can and are expected to do whatever they want. mine is a little wide with the bags but i'm sometimes able to squeeze between cars and b-line to the front, which i did then.
another interesting thing about driving here are the street peddlers that come on to the roads at stop lights and such. they come out with all kinds of things for sale like music, flowers, puppies, bags of marshmellows and activities from winshield cleaning to never know what you'll see. on a bike they dont even bother with me.
hey, what if i want some of those marshmellows?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha!!!! love it. I have been in that type CA/SA traffic. Crazy. And yes, you moto riders scare me to freakin' death.