Getting there was another story. I was gonna hop on a bannana boat in corazal, belize to the island because I wanted to avoid belize city….it was the only boat available as the two ferry boats were shut down for a week (off season and repainting). these guys haul produce out to the island at night when its cooler. The plan to strap the bike down but it turned out to be too heavy to load, which I found out after the hotel was closed and not answering the bell, because we loaded up the produce first and got caught in the middle by a big storm that came in. I spent most the night under a tin shed in pooring rain with two deckhands (that slept like they were at home) Sucked, but turned out to be a a small price to pay though for the weekend to come. 
No choice I drove to bc the next day to get a boat and met up with two other riders dan and Shannon from Ashville, NC. We locked the bikes up at a little hotel and jumped on a ferry to paradise. Ambergies caye is an island off the coast of belize and is home to the 2nd largest coral reef next to Australias and its only a few hundred yards off the beach! You can swim to it no problem and get lost for hours only exploring a tiny part. Aqua marine water so clear you can see everything. (In the pics the reef is located where you see the light waves in the background). Tarpon , Barracuda, sting rays, huge assortment of small tropical fish, and plenty of huge schools of various types and sizes of fish. It is a snorkeling wonderland! Tranquility Bay Beach Resort is a place my dads friend is part owner and set us up with a couple nice a- frame beachside villas. Thanks dad, thanks denny! it’s the furthest resort 20 mile north of the town. Away from everything this place truly is tranquil and I highly recommend it!
No stores, no tv no phone and no people because …again its off season and they are shut down except for a few guys who maintain it. But they opened if up to us, the whole place to ourselves pretty much.
The weekend was full of more first, hopefully not last, lifetime experiences. Snorkeling a coral reef, trying to catch a spine lobster, not exaggerating the size of a medium-big dog., HUGE. Catching a sting ray in 4 feet of water of a dock (20 min hard fight) And the prize winning experience………. swimming with a shark! Nurse shark in the reef about 6ft long, brownish color.. No words…….
The weekend was full of more first, hopefully not last, lifetime experiences. Snorkeling a coral reef, trying to catch a spine lobster, not exaggerating the size of a medium-big dog., HUGE. Catching a sting ray in 4 feet of water of a dock (20 min hard fight) And the prize winning experience………. swimming with a shark! Nurse shark in the reef about 6ft long, brownish color.. No words…….
It was the perfect chill, regroup off the bike time.
sic clouds on the way out
hammock foot
four hours later
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